NFL Sports Prediction Part 2: Exploratory Data Analysis via ydata_profiling
Part 2 - Exploratory Data Analysis via ydata_profiling
Column definitions
cont_cols = [
'D_datediff', # Days since last game (Home - visitor)
# first downs
# Basic Stats
'D_Rush', # Number of running plays attempted
'D_Yds', # Yards gained through running plays
'D_TDs', # Touchdowns scored via running plays
'D_Cmp', # Completions (# of successful passes)
'D_Att', # Attempts (# of passes thrown, completed or not)
'D_Yd', # Yards (Yards the passes have covered)
'D_TD', # Touchdowns
'D_INT', # Interceptions
'D_Sacked', # Number of times quarterback was tackled behind line of scrimmage
'D_Yards', # Yards lost from sacks
'D_Net_Pass_Yards', # Net passing yards (total yds - yards lost due to sacks)
'D_Total_Yards', # Total yards gained (net pass yards + rushing yds)
'D_Fumbles', # Number of times ball was fumbled
'D_Lost', # Number of times the team lost possession of the ball due to a fumble
'D_Turnovers', # Total number of turnovers, includes interceptions & fumbles lost
'D_Penalties', # Number of penalties committed by the team
# Passing Detailed
'D_passing_att', # Passes attempted
'D_passing_cmp', # Passes completed
'D_passing_int', # Interceptions thrown
'D_passing_lng', # Longest completed pass
'D_passing_sk', # Passing times sacked
'D_passing_td', # Passing touchdowns
'D_passing_yds', # Yards gained by passing
# Receiving
'D_receiving_lng', # Longest reception
'D_receiving_td', # Receiving touchdowns
'D_receiving_yds', # Receiving yards
# Rushing Detailed
'D_rushing_att', # Rushing attempts (sacks not included)
'D_rushing_lng', # Longest rushing attempt (sacks not included)
'D_rushing_td', # Rushing touchdowns
'D_rushing_yds', # Rushing yards
# Defense interceptions
'D_def_interceptions_int', # Passes intercepted on defense
'D_def_interceptions_lng', # Longest interception returned
'D_def_interceptions_td', # Interceptions returned for touchdown
'D_def_interceptions_yds', # Yards interceptions were returned
# Defense fumbles
'D_fumbles_ff', # Num of times forced a fumble by the opposition recovered by either team
'D_fumbles_fr', # Fumbles recovered by player or team
'D_fumbles_td', # Fumbles recovered resulting in touchdown for receiver
'D_fumbles_yds', # Yards recovered fumbles were returned
# Defense tackles
'D_sk', # Sacks
'D_tackles_ast', # Assists on tackles
'D_tackles_comb', # Solo + ast tackles
'D_tackles_solo', # Tackles
# Kick Returns
'D_kick_returns_lng', # Longest kickoff return
'D_kick_returns_rt', # Kickoff returns
'D_kick_returns_td', # Kickoffs returned for a touchdown
'D_kick_returns_yds', # Yardage for kickoffs returned
# Punt Returns
'D_punt_returns_lng', # Longest punt return
'D_punt_returns_ret', # Punts returned
'D_punt_returns_td', # Punts returned for touchdown
'D_punt_returns_yds', # Punts return yardage
# Punting / Scoring
'D_punting_lng', # Longest punt
'D_punting_pnt', # Times punted
'D_punting_yds', # Total punt yardage
'D_scoring_fga', # Field goals attempted
'D_scoring_fgm', # Field goals made
'D_scoring_xpa', # Extra points attempted
'D_scoring_xpm', # Extra points made
# Additional, calculated metrics
'D_pythagorean', # NFL variation of Bill James pythagorean expectation (from wikipedia)
Categorical columns
There are no categorical columns to handle in this dataset.
Missing values
Skipping this since it’s not necessary based on how the D_ columns are composed. This is more effective earlier on. It may be helpful to check.
I set the skewness alert to fire when > 1. No columns exceeded this range. Otherwise, the skewed columns would have to be handled so it turns into a more normal distribution. Here is a helpful guide I found on kaggle regarding this
Observing the correlation matrix & removing strikingly similar columns
Using the correlation matrix, we can reduce the total number of columns by simply identifying columns that are striking similar to each other.
I selected the columns to retain based on my best judgment. The bold & highlighted cells will be preserved and the rest will be ignored.
Similar column 1 | Similar column 2 | Similar column 3 |
D_Net_Pass_Yards | D_passing_yds | D_receiving_yds |
D_def_interceptions_lng | D_def_interceptions_yds | |
D_passing_td | D_receiving_td | |
D_scoring_fgm | D_scoring_fga | |
D_scoring_xpm | D_scoring_xpa | |
D_punting_pnt | D_punting_yds |
Through this analysis, we are dropping 7 columns: D_passing_yds, D_receiving_yds, D_def_interceptions_lng, D_receiving_td, D_scoring_fga, D_scoring_xpa, D_punting_pnt
Reducing sig figs
Since an EMA is applied to the majority of columns, these columns ended up containing a 4 or more sig figs. This was observed by looking at the min & max values among items with a high distinct percentage. I decided to restrict the results to 3 sig figs.
Note that this won’t be necessary if I apply a standard scaler (helpful for an ANN), however I’m applying it anyway for the second ydata_profiling run.
Observe D_passing_yds
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